martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

Radioactividad sobre 4 ruedas...

Parece que vamos a pasar de coches ecológicos a coches radioactivos, al menos en cuanto a las marcas japonesas se refiere.

Me imagino que después del desastre en Fukushima tendremos noticias de este pelo de aquí a bastante tiempo. Ahora ha sido en Chile donde se han encontrado trazas de radioactividad en unos cuantos coches importados desde Japón:


Chilean port workers protest after low level of radioactivity found on vehicles within Hyundai No 106.

Port workers have protested in Chile after traces of radioactivity were found on cars within a Eukor-operated vehicle carrier.

About 100 dockers believed their health was at risk in the port of Iquique after the 4,800-car-capacity Hyundai No. 106 (built 1987) arrived over the weekend. Customs agents detected low levels of radioactivity in 21 of 2,500 cars shipped from the Japanese port of Yokohama, following the problems with the nuclear power plant at Fukishima after the earthquake and tsunami in March.

But Chilean deputy treasury secretary Miguel Angel Quesada said that the Chilean nuclear commission confirmed the radioactivity was too low to cause damage to humans.

He added the cars will be hosed down on board and any radioactivity will be contained inside the ship, owned by Zodiac.


(No he encontrado foto más grande del barco en cuestión...)

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