miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

Vuelvo a recomendar Gasland...

Parece que el negocio de la extracción de gas en USA va viento en popa. Así se demuestra del descenso significativo del número de importaciones y la "reconversión" de varias terminales en exportadoras. Una de las primeras que tuvieron, parece que ya está moviendo ficha para ello a marchas forzadas:

Dominion plays the liquefaction card at Cove Point

US utility Dominion has filed an application to export domestic gas as LNG from its Cove Point import terminal on the country's East Coast. The company is asking the federal Department of Energy to allow exports of up to 1 billion cubic feet per day beginning in 2016. That would translate into liquefaction capacity of 7.8 million tonnes per annum at the Maryland facility, Dominion's filing said.

The company will eventually have to submit an application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which has jurisdiction over onshore LNG infrastructure. Cove Point has been mostly idle recently due to the glut of shale gas in the US.

The operator has struggled to persuade capacity holders to bring in enough cargoes to keep the facility operational and has already filed a separate application to re-export LNG stored at the site.

Exportación de gas... pero a qué precio? Lo dicho, si queréis saber cómo extraen el gas y que sano resulta para toda la gente que vive en las zonas de los pozos, GASLAND.

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